is only one kind of contacts allowed in my EDXC: the Admiral speaks, you listen.
Those jerks of the old administration had a mailing list, but I said to my
faithful servant Celhairotti: "Kid, we don't have to talk with anybody.
If anybody writes, you just dump their garbage.We don't want any useless contact."
And Celhairotti, being
a good servant, does just what I want: those idiots go on writing to the mailing
list? Celhairotti just delete their stupid messages.
Yes, during my campaign I wrote 'the edxc mailing list should remain open
to all', but that was just a lie. Of course I am a liar, so what? Everybody
knows that I have been elected just because nobody else wanted the job, so
they must settle with a liar. If they had something better than a liar, then
I would have never become a General Secretary. Stop this nonsense and begin
to read the Official mailing list, where you can find all you have to know:
the news about my next Official interviews about the Normalization of Reception
Report Forms.
Greetings from the Psychiatric Ward